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Welcome to the blog

We publish the occasional post about LiberaForms in general.

New software releases are also posted here, so we'll be referencing this site as a source of upgrade information.

Thanks for visiting.

Free Form software for all!


Version 3.2.0

This version fixes code design (or lack of) that prevented forms with multiple file upload fields from submitting. Thanks to the people who pointed this out to us!

The application interface has been translated to French and the Privacy statement wizard now has a language selector (German included). Translations are much appreciated, thank you!

Other new features are moslty Admin tools.

Also includes some code improvements, and CSS tweaks.

Version 3.1.1

  • Fixes bugs that prevented guests from accessing and using form answers
  • Fixes CSV export bug
  • Handles form slugs with unwanted trailing /
  • Unselects radio buttons when saving form edtions
  • Includes missing L10n

Version 3.1.0

We have rewritten the Data display component in Vue3 that now also renders graphs, filters, and answer edition diffs on the client. This update makes LiberaForms 100% ready for E2EE development.

LiberaForms 3 is out!

Improved experience, new form styling options and more focus on privacy than ever before.

After months of work, version 3 is finally released. It is not only a new version, but sets a paradigm for future versions. A huge step forward to make LiberaForms a libre software solution to create your online forms.

Translated to: Català, Euskara, Castellano

Version 3.0.0

We are very pleased to release this version of LiberaForms that includes; an improved code base, a new user interface, and many new features.

European Union grants

Continued development of LiberaForms over the last two years has been possible thanks to international grants within the European Union. This is our expericence so far.