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Version 3.3.1

Fixes a bug introduced with v3.3.0 that prevented forms from submitting on iOS devices.

Upgrade from v3.*.*

Recently installed versions of LiberaForms may require an addition step.

Do this to see if this applies to you.

source ./venv/bin/activate
flask site get-versions

{'Liberaforms': '3.x.x', 'Database schema': 'N/A'}

If your Database schema is N/A, then you need to do this first before continuing.

flask db stamp head

Ok. Thats all. Now continue.

Stop LiberaForms

sudo supervisorctl stop liberaforms
sudo supervisorctl stop liberaforms-logs

Fetch version 3.3.1

git fetch origin tag v3.3.1 --no-tags
git checkout v3.3.1 -b v3.3.1
cat VERSION.txt

Upgrade python packages (not required if upgrading from v3.3.0)

source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Upgrade the database schema to f923fc23e27f (not required if upgrading from v3.3.0)

flask db upgrade

See the installed versions

flask site get-versions

Restart the supervisor processes.

sudo supervisorctl start liberaforms-logs
sudo supervisorctl start liberaforms