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End to End Encryption (E2EE) on LiberaForms

After some teasing, we are happy to announce that this feature has landed on!

That means it is now open for broader testing and will make it into v4, the next version of LiberaForms, which will make your favourite FOSS form software much more useful and interesting.

You can check the user documentation here, so we will be focusing here a tad more on the design and implementation of the feature.

Version 3.2.0

This version fixes code design (or lack of) that prevented forms with multiple file upload fields from submitting. Thanks to the people who pointed this out to us!

The application interface has been translated to French and the Privacy statement wizard now has a language selector (German included). Translations are much appreciated, thank you!

Other new features are moslty Admin tools.

Also includes some code improvements, and CSS tweaks.

Version 3.1.1

  • Fixes bugs that prevented guests from accessing and using form answers
  • Fixes CSV export bug
  • Handles form slugs with unwanted trailing /
  • Unselects radio buttons when saving form edtions
  • Includes missing L10n

Version 3.1.0

We have rewritten the Data display component in Vue3 that now also renders graphs, filters, and answer edition diffs on the client. This update makes LiberaForms 100% ready for E2EE development.